Friday, November 16, 2012

In Season

This is really in season right now, and happy to say its a piece I've been working on for a year, had set it aside, and just finished it a couple weeks ago!

Prints will be available to purchase soon, just in time for Christmas for those hunters and outdoorsmen!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

What's on the drawing table?

Our church is working on creating a new logo for our children's ministry!
They've asked for my help in creating this logo, and so far it's looking fantastic! Just a few more elements, and then it'll be ready for printing on all our new materials!

There are two rather large commissions on my table at the moment... I can't wait to share them with you, but they're not quite done yet.

Working on getting ready to teach an art class for some homeschool families... can't wait to get started! Working on the curriculum at present, excited to start at the end of september or beginning of october. If you're interested or know a family who would be (who lives in the Maple Grove area and surrounding), contact me!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sophisticated and Refined

Julie Andrews is one of my favorite woman to read about, listen to, and watch. 
I wanted to capture her lovely, loyal personality here in this portrait. Looking into her face through this drawing really makes me smile. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sketches and works from June so far... just a few things I've been working on.... commissioned and non-commissioned works.  
Working on a large piece for a competition deadline in July. If you like American West art, you'll really love my piece! 

Friday, June 1, 2012

In The Works...

There are several pieces in the works right now. I can't wait to share them all with you!
I am not able to share every work of art on my blog until I have image release forms signed by the individuals and/or parents and guardians. So keep checking! More drawings will be uploaded soon! :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

C. S. Lewis Portrait from 2005

another back from the past.... working on several portrait commissions at the present time, so I'm taking the time to show you all my past works as well! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Special Portrait...

Sam's Bar-Mitzvah was this last month, a very exciting time for the whole family. This portrait  will be a very special keepsake for this family, and I very much enjoyed doing it!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Cool and Casual Steals the Show

 A Portrait of Fred Astaire I created in 2006.
His pose is so cool and casual, when at any moment he could get up and dance away!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Back From the Past...

A Portrait I drew in 2007.
Thought I would bring this one out of the box, while I'm finishing another piece currently, ready to being another.

This is still one of my favorite of my celebrity portraits.

Take a look!
14x17 portrait, charcoal

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Minneapolis Stone Arch Bridge

Fresh off the drawing board!
I hold the city of Minneapolis very dear to my heart. This piece belongs in my gallery!

Order Prints:
8x10 print, $25.00
12x14 print, 35.00

See the "for sale" page for order form!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Commission a portrait this April! Mothers Day is coming up!

Whether you'd like to have your whole family in the portrait, or just the children, or the newest baby, I would love to be able to draw a special portrait for your family this spring.

Contact me for an estimate!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Isaiah Portrait

Almost ready to be framed! The son of the wonderful photographer, Kate Wenzel. A privilege to create this portrait for the Wenzels!

SOLD, Isaiah Portrait valued at $400+

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Photo Session with Kate Wenzel

I wanted some professional photos of myself and my artwork to use as I build up my website... the photo session surpassed my hopes! Can't wait to use all the photos!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Two Horses - in progress

This work is in progress... I am deciding exactly what kind of nature I want surrounding the horses. I'm going to set this one aside for a couple of days while I work on another work. When I come back to it I should have some more inspiration! :)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

Celtic Landscape

"Celtic Landscape", an original graphite drawing (not a copy), for sale by Susan, $95.00